Love Exits

Hello Everybody, This post was by Phildapoet. I hope you enjoy it. 


Love skipped this memory like a forgotten league

Lust way-lay me with its short course armory of lubidiny

I hit my white injection needle on six times three ladies

All came out for a play without shame of unaffectionate randy revelry

Love now parades my soul with drums of impending tragedy.

Tragedy of the heart lamenting without tears.

This soul is afraid of getting a fraction for its whole

A fraction of beans for a whole bean sack.

I gave my best for the least of her affection

I was crucified on her tree of inordinate selection

She asked for gold

Told her my dreams  will yield  treasures fearsomely  bold

My hays she scorned

Asked if I could hawk corn

Tore my heart from the backside meat of its affectionate hollows;

snapping the veins and arteries and gave it to lust to swallow

Then ;

My heart in bitter grief; had its nest.

The pain of knowing she has a next.

My worries unearthed from the deepest  layers of thick assumed rejection

 I withdrew the memories of fun in my head she drew

I lowered the graffiti of her lips ; hips , beads and fun skits.

In the template of my heart I printed her beauty as ashes

Blew wild and tormented kiss to her being.

I shiver as I kissed a score of bottles to her memory in demise.

Her frame yet has its verdant lashes on my brain.

I wheeled her memory far into endless distance with a disgust branded barrow.

Mnemonics of love in my heart for tales I keep.

In this being love skipped its heart for a sabbatical leave.

Never to return until the master wills.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. vixenpixie says:

    This post is beautiful.


  2. phildahpoet says:

    Vixen ; so 9c a pix


  3. Nice composition,the diction and line are on point. Though it is painful that the person the writer was in love with made him look like a lovelorn coz she took his love for granted. Though sometimes its important to know that Our minds are as different as our faces: we all want to travel to one destination; –happiness; but we’re not all going by the same road.nice literary work


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