10 Holidays That Should Exist

Hello Everyone, It has been such a while but I’m glad to be back. Today, it’s all about Holidays!! You know how you know there are some days that just have to be holidays? Yes, well, here’s my list of Holidays that should exist.


  1. VALENTINE’S DAY: How have they not figured out that nobody thinks straight on Valentine’s day? The girl’s are thinking of romance and some men are thinking of spending money. The other set of men are thinking of all the lovin’ they’re gonna get. We NEED TO HAVE A HOLIDAY ON VALENTINE’S DAY. I mean, why else do crazy people all wear red on that day?
  2. YOUR LOVER’S BIRTHDAY: This holiday is important because you really HAVE to throw that party and surprise hang out on your lover’s birthday or it isn’t perfect enough, is it?
  3. APRIL FOOL’S DAY: Why are we still arguing this? Do you think I want to be playing pranks with my sour faced colleagues? I need to go wild and out on April fool’s day or its not particularly a foolish day.
  4. RANDOM EVENT HOLIDAY: Random Events affect us, positively or negatively so what’s the use going on to the office to get serious work done? We should have a random event holiday so when things happen, we either go home and drink the depression away OR WE GO TO THE CLUB AND SPRAY CHAMPAGNE ON THE HUNNIES.
  5. AMALA APPRECIATION DAY:  This should be at least once a week but what do lesser men know?
  6. MICHAEL JACKSON DAY: There was once an icon that defined what would make Neyo, Chris Brown, and even Tyrese some of the greatest artists alive and His name was Michael Jackson. For this reason and for the spirit that music would become, A Holiday should be made worldwide in celebration of the man who made white socks and shiny jackets a rave. #That’sAll
  7. WOMEN’S DAY: YES!! YOU MEN KNOW THAT WOMEN DESERVE TO HAVE A HOLIDAY! This day is for the men to take care of the home and children while the women can go off to wherever they like to do whatever they like or maybe do whoever they like for 24 hours. Men shall not turn women down on this day, neither shall Men seek their presence. They must get whatever it is that they want!
  8. PETROL FREE HOLIDAY: On this day, you can carry your cars, kegs, bikes and nylons to whichever fuel station that you like and demand for as much petrol as you want! I’m sure Nigeria can manage this, right?
  9. COCA COLA APPRECIATION DAY: Coca- cola has been the foundation of greater drinks that are yet to come and for that, we must accept their epicness and celebrate it. On this Holiday, Everyone gets at least a bottle of chilled and almost frozen coke…. FOR FREE! Abi wetin una feel?
  10. FRIDAY HOLIDAYS: Finally we have to legalize the holiday-ship of Fridays. I mean what else do you do on Fridays except go to work and dream of the day’s closing? Tell me!

On that note, I would LOVE to know what Holidays you think should exist? Nothing is too weird…

2 Comments Add yours

    1. vixenpixie says:

      Lol. Why now? Don’t you agree?


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